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Starting in 2021, more than just an extension of Blibli which is known to be one of the main online shopping channels in Indonesia, we are here to be a solution for more people to reach various smartphone and IoT devices according to their needs.

Dengan wujud bangunan fisik yang tersebar di berbagai kota di Indonesia, mulai dari Blibli Store, Tukar Tambah Store, Samsung Store, Xiaomi Store, Oppo Store, Vivo Store, Huawei Store sampai Hello Store sebagai Apple Authorised Reseller. Dimana kami memberi peluang masyarakat untuk berkonsultasi, mencoba langsung berbagai perangkat, hingga kemudahan dalam memilikinya. Termasuk diantara berbagai kemudahan ini kami wujudkan dalam rangkaian program menarik. Mulai dari opsi tukar tambah, dukungan opsi pembayaran baik secara langsung maupun installment (cicilan).

Until now, we have nearly 200 chain stores spread across major cities in Indonesia. In the future, it will be part of our vision to continue to expand its reach to cover all regions in Indonesia. Contact our nearest chain of stores in your domicile area and get the best service and purchasing options for a variety of IoT devices, from smartphones to wearables, according to your needs.



      Blibli Omnichannel Mobility Group


      JALAN TANJUNG KARANG NOMOR 11, Desa/Kelurahan Jati Kulon, Kec. Jati, Kab. Kudus, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Kode Pos: 59347

      Operational Office

      Jln KS Tubun IIC No. 8 Slipi Kec Palmerah
      DKI Jakarta 11410

      Samsung BlibliOMG
      Tukar Tambah
      Hello Apple Authorised Reseller
      Blibli Store
      Contact Us

        BlibliOMG @2022 – All rights reserved | Privacy & Policy