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Enterprise & Education

The ease and speed offered by the digitalization era for the smooth flow of information and greater opportunities for more things to be connected to each other, is a challenge for the world of business and education in Indonesia. This is related to its speed in absorbing and utilizing it through various gadget support devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). 

Moving on from this condition, the Company and Education business unit with the name of the business entity PT Global Distribution Nusantara was present. Starting its operations in 2021, appearing as the main provider of solutions for the needs of various IoT devices for the world of education and supporting business activities for various related institutions in Indonesia. Carrying out a mission that is side by side with Blibli OMG which places consumers as the main focus in providing products and services, various services as well we develop into supporters. Starting from consulting, providing the best offers to support for accessing after-sales services that are more comfortable in use.

Through this business unit, we believe, as we have done before with our company, the transformation of IoT technology will be the key to survive and grow through this era.

PT Global Distribusi Nusantara (GDNus)

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JALAN TANJUNG KARANG NOMOR 11, Desa/Kelurahan Jati Kulon, Kec. Jati, Kab. Kudus, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Kode Pos: 59347

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